Spanish Poems


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Poemas en Inglés es un blog que pretende acercar poemas de lengua inglesa al castellano
"Por principio, toda traducción es buena. En cualquier caso, pasa con ellas lo que con las mujeres: de alguna manera son necesarias, aunque no todas son perfectas"

Augusto Monterroso

-La palabra mágica-

"Es imposible traducir la poesía. ¿Acaso se puede traducir la música?"


"Translating poetry is like making jewelry. Every word counts, and each sparkles with so many facets. Translating prose is like sculpting: get the shape and the lines right, then polish the seams later."

James Nolan

"La traducción destroza el espí­ritu del idioma"

Federico García Lorca
Gabriela Mistral -Volverlo a ver-
miércoles, 8 de junio de 2005
Volverlo a ver

¿Y nunca, nunca más, ni en noches llenas
de temblor de astros, ni en las alboradas
vírgenes, ni en las tardes inmoladas?

¿Al margen de ningún sendero pálido,
que ciñe el campo, al margen de ninguna
fontana trémula, blanca de luna?

¿Bajo las trenzaduras)de la selva,
donde llamándolo me ha anochecido,
ni en la gruta que vuelve mi alarido?

¡Oh,!no! ¡Volverlo a)ver, no importa dónde,
en remansos de cielo o en vórtice hervidor,
bajo unas lunas plácidas o en un cárdeno horror!

¡Y ser con él todas las primaveras
y los inviernos, en un angustiado
nudo, en torno a su cuello ensaggrentado!

To see him again

Never, never again?
Not on nights filled with quivering stars,
or during dawn's maiden brightness
or afternoons of sacrifice?

Or at the edge of a pale path
that encircles the farmlands,
or upon the rim of a trembling fountain,
whitened by a shimmering moon?

Or beneath the forest's
luxuriant, raveled tresses
where, calling his name,
I was overtaken by the night?
Not in the grotto that returns
the echo of my cry?

Oh no. To see him again --
it would not matter where --
in heaven's deadwater
or inside the boiling vortex,
under serene moons or in bloodless fright!

To be with him...
every springtime and winter,
united in one anguished knot
around his bloody neck!


posted by Bishop @ 15:10  
  • At 15 de junio de 2007, 11:40, Blogger Bishop said…


    And shall it never be again, never? Not on nights filled
    with trembling of stars, or by the pure light
    of virginal dawns, or on afternoons of immolation?

    Never, at the edge of any pale pathway
    that borders the field, or beside any
    tremulous fountain white under the moon?

    Never, beneath the entangled tresses of the forest
    where, calling out to him, night descended on me?
    Nor in the cavern that returns my echoing outcry?

    Oh, no! Just to see him again, no matter where--
    in little patches of sky or in the seething vortex,
    beneath placid moons or in a livid horror!

    And, together with him, to be all springtimes
    and all winters, entwined in one anguished knot
    around his blood-stained neck!

    Translated by Doris Dana

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